
Showing posts from May, 2019

Final Project Statement: For this final project i really wanted to try something different; something I've had in mind since we were first introduced to projectors. I wanted to create a simulation of some sort. I decided that a car would be the best bet because the film for it was realistic. I thought it would be really cool to actually build the space in which the simulation was being projected in. For the most part i think i accomplished my goal with this final project. The construction of my car could've gone a little better than anticipated but for the most part i think i did a decent job. I wanted the simplicity of a drive in the projection, not something crazy. It's important to enjoy the little things in life such as driving down the road in beautiful sunny Florida.

Final Project

Some Pictures of my installation

Process Posts Final Project

1). The first step to this project was to gather all of the materials and plan how i was going to build the car. After thorough planning i began to film my clips that i wanted to use in the simulator. I had some difficulty filming these alone so i needed a partner to help film the clips i wanted. 2). The next step was editing the video and cutting out any unnecessary scenes in order to make the simulator run smoothly. For the most part i was able to get some pretty good clips that didnt need too much work done to them. 3). The final step for me was actually building my installation. This was a lot more difficult than expected as the cardboard was not staying upright. At one point the roof even collapsed but i was able to get it to stay upright for the final critique.