Artist Research 2
For my second artist research assignment i decided to look at the works of Rachel Rossin. What really caught my attention was how abstract and colorful her work was. I am a huge fan of abstract art that involves color. On her main site was an interactive image of pixels that moved according to mouse position. It was very interesting to see how the pixels moved and even the colors that were involved with them. Rossin is very creative with her oil paintings as they sell for thousands of dollars. The meaning of these paintings can be up for interpretation by the viewer. In regards to her installations they also use abstract ideas and colors which are very satisfying to look at. My favorite part about the installations is the way light goes through them and projects a shadow on the floor. I think it is truly amazing to see that abstract works of art can sell for so much money. It looks as if the installation pieces are made on glass and that is the reason that light is able to go through and cast a shadow. Both the glass and the shadow created i consider beautiful and different. Rachel pushes the boundaries of virtual and physical spaces by combining painting and sculpting with coding and programming. Some people even consider her a modern day Picasso. In the video linked below you can really get a feel for some of her creations with the use of VR.
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